Everyone has a story to tell!

With the internet getting more noisy as more and more people are using it to tell their story. Everyone is looking for a new medium and thus we are here with this new medium where you can share your stories. You can write about any topic and there is no barrier. You can share insightful perspectives, useful knowledge, and life wisdom with the world. It’s simple, beautiful, collaborative, and helps you find the right audience for whatever you have to say.

What you read and write counts, in our opinion. Words have the power to inspire, disenchant, or divide people. We're creating a system that rewards depth, nuance, and well-spent time in a world where the most spectacular and superficial stories frequently prevail. a place where serious discussion is valued above quick snaps and substance is preferred over presentation.

Our ultimate objective is to use writing to further our society's understanding of the world.

Every month, people connect on Computech from all around the world and impart their knowledge. They include CEOs, computer engineers, amateur novelists, and everyone bursting with a tale they need to share with the world. Many are professional writers, but many aren't; they also include CEOs, non-writers, and those who aren't. They write about what they're working on, what keeps them up at night, what they've experienced, and what they've learned that the rest of us would also be interested in.

Instead of selling data we have members who align with our mission of sharing stories and educating others through them. Start your exploration if you're new here. Go deeper with whatever is important to you. Find a post that inspires you to learn something new or to rethink what you already know, and then share your own experience.

Still wondering why Computech?

Well, the answer is simple. Once you contact us we make an account on your name and you can start posting your stories through it. The best part is that you do not have to pay any charges for the same. You can share your stories with the world free of cost. Computech is a free guest blogging site that would help you to reach out to your audience without burning a hole in your pocket. As there is no niche so you can write about anything from tech to lifestyle to business to news.

Every business runs on content even to promote a business you need good content. Thus, we have created a platform for budding writers so that they can share their stories without paying a huge sum to premium sites.

Why Guest Posting?

This is another question that gets asked very often. Well, every blogger has their own blogging website and guest posting just gives your website the needed push so that it stands out to your audience. How? Guest blogging enables you to network with people in your industry, present your brand to a new audience, attract referral traffic to your website, position yourself as a thought leader, and maybe create backlinks that will improve your website's search engine optimization. This will help your website to rank on search engines and give you the views that you wished for.