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ISRO Takes a Critical Step Towards Gaganyaan Mission with Uprighting System Test

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The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is planning to test a system to keep the Gaganyaan crew module upright after splashdown in 2024. The crew module is a crucial component of the Gaganyaan mission, India’s first human spaceflight mission. It will carry the astronauts to and from orbit and will also serve as their living quarters during the mission.

ISRO has already conducted several tests of the crew module, including a successful abort test in October 2023. The upcoming test will focus on ensuring that the module remains upright after splashdown, which is important for the safety and comfort of the astronauts.

The Importance of Uprighting the Crew Module

When a spacecraft splashes down into the water, it can experience a sudden and violent impact. This impact can cause the spacecraft to tip over, which can be dangerous for the astronauts inside. The uprighting system will help to stabilize the module and prevent it from tipping over.

In addition to safety, there are also practical reasons for keeping the crew module upright. If the module is inverted, it can be difficult for the astronauts to exit the module. The uprighting system will make it easier and safer for the astronauts to exit the module after splashdown.

How the Uprighting System Works

The uprighting system will use compressed gas to inflate airbags around the module as it enters the water. These airbags will help to stabilize the module and prevent it from tipping over.

The system has been designed to be reliable and easy to use. The airbags will inflate automatically, and the system will not require any input from the astronauts.

The Test Schedule

The test is scheduled to take place in March 2024. If it is successful, ISRO will be one step closer to launching the Gaganyaan mission.

The Future of Human Spaceflight in India

The Gaganyaan mission is a major milestone for India’s space program. It will demonstrate the country’s capability to send humans into space and will also pave the way for future human spaceflight missions.

ISRO has already announced plans for future missions, including a mission to Mars. The Gaganyaan mission will be a crucial step in India’s journey to become a leading spacefaring nation.

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